Thing, I like.
The word thing and or Thing. It can be vague, careless even and yet it has the
capability to talk of some considered stuff. Yes, I also care for Stuff and or stuff.
They are also all very good looking words, as is Odd.
what is in [a] thing? Obviously there is Thing Theory (where we learn that an
object can and, under suitable circumstances, does become [a] thing).
is Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing, the Fantastic Four’s The Thing and John
Carpenter’s sci-fi classic The Thing. Dinges is Riaan Cruywagen’s favourite
Afrikaans word und nicht zu vergessen das Ding.

can be dangerous. And things are looking up and things are going to be alright
and things are good. Barack Obama likes making and doing things… as he puts it “We
built this country by making things…” and “We proved that we are still a people
capable of doing big things...”. (2012-05-13)